Financial spa network. Teleport – financial CPA network with fresh offers

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Financial CPA affiliate programs remain relevant even during the period of the financial crisis in Russia; here I will give an overview of affiliate programs on this topic.

Credit affiliates

It must be said that no new solutions have appeared in this area in recent years. The niche is narrow enough to accommodate everyone. But many offer banking and credit offers among their offers, but with a minimal set of promotional tools. This is a standard set of direct links and banners at best, sometimes there are banner rotators.

Current financial partners:


Second on the list or even first. Eternal competitors who do not want to give each other the palm.

In the reincarnation, Kredits ru received the name Kredov and now incorporates many offers on other topics:

  • Online stores

  • Services

  • Acquaintance

  • Entertainment

And so on. There are exclusive offers.


Banks ru

There are very few offers: microloans, mortgages, consumer ones.

There is no special functionality, as well as promotional materials. But there are unique offers that still deserve the attention of webmasters and those involved in traffic arbitrage.

Made on the Hazoffers platform. It slows down often.



Financial offers in the CPA system with geography in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. There are few of them and they are differentiated by access levels, which causes inconvenience when working with support.

Action Pay has been staying afloat for quite a few years, thanks to its stability and interestingness.

7 offers

Here the number of credit and banking offers is greater than in any other non-core system.

There are options for credit history, debt collectors, insurance, mortgages, and so on.

Here is the lowest payment threshold - from 5 rubles, and frequency.

We continue to publish reviews of affiliate programs for making money on the Internet. Today we’ll talk about one of the most popular financial CPA networks –

What is SPA

CPA (Cost per Action)– payment for actions, a type of advertising that provides payment for completed actions. Affiliate programs operating in the CPA industry offer users payment for purchases, registrations, etc.

In simple terms, you place an advertising banner on your website, group, or blog and receive payment for the actions that users perform on the advertising site by clicking on this banner. This type of earnings is available to users who do not have their own website. You can make money from traffic arbitrage, that is, by placing advertisements in contextual, targeted and teaser advertising services.

CPA network Leads

One of the most popular financial affiliate programs on the market is the CPA network The project began its work in 2010. Currently, there are more than 100 different affiliate programs on financial topics.

The project has technical support that will answer all your questions. The downside is that technical support is only available on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

There are also various promotions and competitions that allow webmasters, in addition to standard earnings, to receive various prizes and bonuses.

How to make money with Leads

In order to start earning money in this affiliate program, you need to do the following:

  • Decide on the traffic source
  • Select the affiliate programs you like and connect to them
  • Get your affiliate link
  • Start driving traffic to these programs
  • Analyze traffic, removing unprofitable methods
  • Get paid for actions

Below we will analyze all these points in more detail. In the meantime, we present a list of actions for which you will receive payment.

— Issuing credit cards
— Consumer and business loans
— Microcredit
- Mortgage
— Issuance of debit cards
— Leasing
— Opening deposits
— Car loans
— Forex

If you know how to attract users who are interested in the above points, then you can start registering for this project.

To register, go to and choose whether you are going to work on the project as a webmaster or an advertiser. Next you need to fill out a short form.

Don't forget to confirm your phone number and email address. After this, you can start earning money.

Available types of traffic

At the next stage, you need to select the type of platform from which you will attract traffic. To do this, go to the section "List of sites""Adding a site".

As you can see in the picture above, there are 5 types available to attract traffic. Choose the one available to you and follow the instructions.

Connecting to offers

Once the traffic source is selected, you can start connecting to affiliate programs (offers) that are available on the site. The full list is available in the section "Offers""All offers».

We choose the offers you like and connect them to your traffic source. Beginners are faced with the question of which offer to choose. The Leads affiliate network invites users to familiarize themselves with the statistics for each and choose the best option.

In the screenshot above you see an example of one of the offers on this site.

At the top you can see the name and logo. As well as the availability of the program (the figure shows that the program is available for connection).

Points– bonus points that you will be awarded for completing goals in this program. They are needed to participate in various promotions and do not affect your earnings in any way.

Section "Information":

Payment– the amount you will receive for completing a goal attracted by a user.

Target– what is the payment for? In the screenshot above, the goal is “Paid for the issued debit card.” This means that you will receive payment if the attracted user places an order for this card by clicking on your advertising link.

Points– bonus points for completing the goal.

Payment type– you can find out by hovering your mouse over the picture. In this case, payment is made per lead (sale).

"Advanced" section:

Limits– are there any restrictions on the number of leads and the fulfillment of goals?

Cookie lifetime– during what time a user who follows your link can complete the goal, and you will receive payment for it.

Geo– from which countries should you attract traffic?

Section "Status Update":

Periodicity– how often the affiliate program processes leads

Last thing– when the leads were last processed

Following– planned processing date

"Tracker" section:

CTR– the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions

CR– the ratio of the number of conversions to the number of clicks

AR– ratio of approved conversions to total number of conversions

EPC– average earnings per click

EPL– average earnings per conversion

Carefully study the available information and choose the most suitable offer. After submitting an application, it must undergo moderation, which usually takes several hours (if the application is submitted on a working day).

Reports and tools

After connecting offers and starting to promote your affiliate link, you need to analyze your traffic, disabling methods that do not generate income. This is especially true when using contextual and targeted advertising. You can monitor traffic in the section "Reports".

We will not pay much attention to each point, since you can understand their essence from the name.

There are also a large number of additional tools that help webmasters make working with offers more convenient.

Dynamic reports– allow you to monitor the dynamics in the system using most available indicators.

Financial feed– a layout page on which all types of loans available in the affiliate program are presented.

API– application programming interface.

Pre-landings– intermediate pages aimed at increasing conversion for cold leads.

Conversion delivery service– a tool for tracking leads in your personal systems.

Redirects– a system created to redirect traffic when the offer limit is exceeded.

Improvements– You can add ideas to improve the system.

Support for entrepreneurs– improved conditions for working with individual entrepreneurs.

Agent offices– special accounts in the most popular targeted and contextual advertising systems.

Domain parking– You can use your domain names to redirect links from offers.

Withdrawal of funds

Payments in this affiliate program are made automatically twice a month to the specified payment information. You can ask for early payment, but there will be a 10% commission for it. However, if you reach the “Platinum” level, you can do this without commission! To configure, go to the “Payment information” - “Editing” section. And add a payment method.

Minimum amount for payments– 700 rubles

Available withdrawal methods: Yandex Money, Webmoney, mobile phone account, bank card.


Leads has a referral system in which you can receive up to 5% of the income of attracted users.

And at the end of the review of the affiliate program, I’ll post a screenshot of my earnings, it’s modest, but just now I started making a financial website for loans, and I hope that after some time another screenshot will appear instead of this one)) Well, you need to register using this link))

Oh, now I wish I had a couple of fresh financial offers! And the target audience is quite good. Have you tried via Teleport? Have you re-read science fiction? Not really! I'm talking about the financial CPA network.

Finance sings romances

The main problem of the Internet lending industry is the small number of correct CPAs. Those that contain reputable and unique offers for the market. Such coverage allows the affiliate program to squeeze all the juice out of the attracted traffic.

Teleport's assortment includes both types of financial organizations. So we're lucky.

Other characteristics of the CPA network:

  • Receives traffic from Russia.
  • Trafficback – yes.
  • Holding time is 30 days.
  • Minimum payment – ​​5000 rubles.
  • Provides its own API.

Teleport Features

Why choose this CPA.

Why Teleport is valuable for a webmaster:

  • Extensive experience - project in the financial market since 2012.
  • The right set of offers - there are both large brands and local ones.
  • Sorting traffic using a high-tech tool - “unfiltered” leads through affiliate links are distributed using an intelligent system developed by Teleport specialists. In this case, indicators such as gender, age, region, etc. are taken into account.
  • One of the highest EPL rates in the industry.

EPL (earnings per lead) – average earnings received from one targeted action of a lead.

  • All conversions are taken into account, including “running” ones (for the last month).
  • Detailed analytics on leads, offers and traffic sources. As well as separate sections on the API.
  • Multi-channel support – the support service can be contacted via Telegram, Skype and email.

Traffic can be transferred to Teleport through several “channels”:

  • Via API – all leads go into a proprietary sorting system. Thanks to this, the webmaster does not need to connect to each offer separately. The general flow of applications enters a single gateway, in which leads are filtered by several indicators specified in the questionnaire (gender, age, geo, etc.)

First, the attracted lead is “teleported” to the offer, who can buy it at the highest price. If the conversion does not occur, the user is redirected to the next site in the chain. This scheme allows you to monetize your traffic as much as possible.

  • For offers via links and landing pages – allow you to attract an audience to unique microcredit services that are not available in other CPAs. They are optimally suited for draining traffic generated by affiliates.

API integration occurs through support. After gaining access to the interface and starting traffic, statistical data on API offers will begin to be displayed in your personal account.

In the statistical section, indicators are displayed separately for leads attracted through the API and referral offers.

In addition, the data is sorted using several “time” filters and by SUB ID. And if anything is unclear, then immediately “knock” at the Teleport support. Fortunately, you can do this without leaving your personal account.

The main three projects promoted in Teleport are unique. They are not included in the range of other CPA networks:

  • TOOK.

According to them, Teleport pays 70 rubles. for completing a loan application. Traffic from Russia is accepted.

The services listed above issue loans from 1 to 80 thousand rubles (on average). The application approval rate is 98%. However, the sites do not impose strict age restrictions. Every adult Russian (starting from 18 years old) can take out a loan at any time of the day or night.

Thanks to such soft lending conditions, GUTFIN, ZANIMALO and GETZAIM are very popular among users.

Types of traffic that can be sent to these services:

  • Contextual
  • From social networks
  • Email
  • Banner

The financial niche has always been characterized by excessive “scrupulousness”, legibility and confidentiality. Therefore, Teleport specialists moderate webmasters and sites.

As in any serious organization with large financial flows.

To register in Teleport:

What they say about Teleport

A lot of positive reviews have been written about this CPA... But it’s so uninteresting! Let’s better analyze the negative statements of webmasters about Teleport. There were two of them. Although one, since the reviews were clearly written by the same person. And this happened back in 2016.

The webmaster complained that the project was paying regularly. However, the delay in accrual of profit can reach several weeks.

As Teleport managers explained, such problems sometimes happened. Now this (only) jamb on the part of the CPA has been neutralized. Therefore, on the way to the Teleport you will not have any problems. And it’s worth striving there!

Financial Affiliate Program LEADS with payment for leads and issued loans in all areas of banking and credit.

The system has been on the market for a long time, but while reviewing my catalog of affiliate programs, I discovered that I had not reviewed it. Therefore, I am correcting the omission and suggesting that you take a walk with me through the “insides” of the system and see what it offers webmasters in 2017.

Despite the financial situation in the country and the world, people will always need money: business or consumer loans, or any other. And such solutions can and should be offered on a variety of sites - where there is at least minimal demand: city forums, real estate and car sites, and so on.

Leads Financial Affiliate Program Review

The number of offers in such systems is constantly changing: you need to imagine the general principle, and then look for a suitable offer for all financial affiliate programs presented on the market.

You can select an offer according to the allowed type of traffic.

I’ll take as an example the “Manimo” offer with payment per lead.

You can select the landing page you need, where you will send visitors next. And also use templates for e-mail newsletters if you are focused on .

The Restrictions and Limits tab provides detailed information about what you can and do not do. As well as a list of accepted regions.

Financial Affiliate Program Tools

Here you get the maximum possible, with the exception of the embedded form, which no one has at the moment (which is a pity).

I advise you to pay close attention to the “Financial Feed”, which works through the offer “ Supermarket credits" Using the latter, you can send an application to all banks available in the selected region (I’ll give you the top part of the offer screen).

API - yes.

Domain parking – yes.

With parked domains in this financial affiliate program It is convenient to work with traffic arbitrage specifically for the “Credit Supermarket” offer due to its maximum coverage in terms of offers and geography.

If you have your own database, then use the “ Credit newsletter", specially tailored for this task. In its description you will find all the necessary information on how to handle it correctly.

The frequency of payments is 2 times a month.

The minimum amount is 500 rubles.

Payment systems – Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Qiwi, mobile phone account, bank transfer, plastic card.

Hello, today I want to talk about an affiliate program, or more precisely about an affiliate program aggregator.

LL is an offer aggregator with pay-per-action.

The guys have been working since 2010, and initially specialized in financial offers (which is why they were recommended to me), but now they have expanded a little and added a couple of online stores.

There really are a lot of bank offers. Here are Home Credit Bank, Renaissance, and even Tinkoff (whose card, I).

Payments occur once a week. The design is nice and comfortable. No, it’s true, it’s as clear and simple as possible.

There is everything necessary for work:

Promo: teasers, banners and context, deep links.
- full of chips for analyzing statistics

And of course, there are delicious landing pages - for example, you can embed a loan application form on your website.

Hottest offers now: Mikkredit, Renaissance, Bank of Moscow, Privatbank cards and deposits.

Well, for dessert, there is a good support service that works on weekdays from 10.00 to 19.00.

Well, in general, you understand that it is urgent register, fortunately, there is now a competition with MacBooks (the one who earns the most for any offer from June 21 to June 30 will win) as prizes :). If you have any questions, write in the comments, and of course, subscribe.

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