Who is Olga Kalaeva dating? Ten new love stories

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

- Olya, tell me, what are you doing now?

My main place of work is TSUM. It’s been exactly a year since I’ve been developing social networks: I maintain accounts on Facebook and Instagram. I choose everything that gets into the frame myself, but, of course, I consult with our buyers. My followers seem to like my taste: when I first started working, we only had 7,000 followers on Instagram, but now we have 167,000. The impact is immediately visible: you can read the 10-page discussions under each photo! It's nice that sales have also increased. I think in Russia we are the first on the list of stores selling their collections through Instagram.

- What about your blog?

Since I got an Instagram account, I almost stopped blogging. For what? Now it's all about speed. There is no longer any need to select and retouch photos when you have a million filters and processing programs at your disposal. You saw it, took a picture, and two minutes later your picture was seen by the whole world. I find out everything myself through Instagram, and I almost never read magazines and websites, only if I need analytics. I now have 36,000 subscribers.

- Why did you decide to pursue clothing design?

We created the Rebel brand together with our friend Tamara Melkumyan. In fact, we first came up with the project and then became friends. We were introduced by Ira Mitroshkina, an old friend of mine, a very talented makeup artist. She literally attacked me with calls: “Olya, I have a friend, a very talented designer, you simply must work together!” At first I didn’t take everything seriously, but when Ira arrived with Toma at Coffeemania on Nikitskaya and forced me to leave the work meeting to talk, I had to succumb to her pressure. So I decided to do this experiment!

- How it all began?

At our third meeting with Tamara, we were already sitting in the office and drawing sketches. At that time I understood almost nothing about how a collection is created; Toma taught me everything. She graduated from (Instituto Marangoni) in London and knew how things went. She said: we need to choose a theme that we will develop in the collection. “Do you see the pattern on this skirt? This is the fence around Buckingham Palace! - said Toma. I didn’t understand: was she serious or joking? But if you look closely at the photographs of this fence, then at the printed fabric, you begin to see the connection.

- What idea did you come to?

We chose the Spanish national costume. And it was not so easy to find a topic that would be interesting to both of us, who barely knew each other at that time. We love to travel - great, but Tom likes London and I like France. Inconsistency! Then we started looking at national costumes and noticed Spanish combs with veils - “paineta” and “mantilla”. We liked them and decided on Spain. By the way, we also made similar combs with a veil for the lookbook. Of course, the first collection was experimental: we didn’t know each other well, we were embarrassed to say that we didn’t like something.

- What was the most difficult thing about working on your first collection?

I couldn’t even imagine that Moscow had such a problem with fabrics and production. And, of course, I didn’t expect that creating a collection would be such painstaking work. Toma taught me everything: from materials science to a short course in cutting and sewing. When the sketches were ready, we sent them to the studio, where they made samples for us. The issue with the factory immediately arose. I went to see my friends at the production site, then they sent us to China and gave us some advice. Here we do everything slowly, and there are often problems with quality. But, nevertheless, we sewed the collection in Moscow - it is simply impossible to control everything in any other way.

- Was the collection quickly sold out?

We sold the basic items very quickly. Some outfits, for example, trouser suits, were even finished: the demand was huge. But with the outfits with balloons it was more difficult: I think our people are afraid of such experiments with style. You know, we had such a hard time with these balls! They brought us 17 kilograms of huge white balls, there was nowhere to paint them, and everything had to be done by hand: cutting, painting, sewing... Of course, this affected the price! But we made sure that the cost of one item did not exceed 30,000 rubles. The first collection, by and large, was made for friends - and they liked it. At the opening of Karina Oshroeva’s website, almost all the guests were wearing our clothes, which was very nice. But the most important critic for me is my mother. She laughed at us while we were working on the collection, but now she enjoys wearing the Rebel jacket.

- Why, after such success, was there no winter collection?

Because we took a time out. Getting into the rhythm turned out to be more difficult than we thought. Look, working on samples takes about five months, then two months are spent on finishing the collection. As we work, we change a lot – almost half! We add something, remove something. When we come to the studio, in addition to technical drawings, we also bring such pictures, you know, like in childhood, outfits for paper dolls. This is necessary to understand what the finished collection will look like and how to style it. When we first came to the studio with these pictures, all the cutters and seamstresses forgot about work and started playing. It was fun!

So, after the first collection we took a time out. And, having rested for one season, we made two collections at once - a summer one, which will soon be in our showroom on Afanasievsky Lane, and a winter one, which we will show at Moscow Fashion Week in the spring.

- Tell us about the summer collection? What will it be like?

We will finally have prints. The source of inspiration is St. Basil's Cathedral. I love this building! I live nearby and pass it every day on my way to work. We took as a basis the colors of the domes, their shape, as well as the ancient ornament that can be seen on the walls inside the cathedral. Now Elene Metreveli, a very talented artist, is finishing the sketches, and we are sending everything into production. The main colors of the summer collection are blue, pink, light green. There will be a lot of cotton outfits, there will be pantsuits, and a lot of denim.

- I can’t help but ask: what about your sizes? Some Russian designers seem to sew on the same models...

We will have all sizes - from 34 to 42 (European). In fact, while working on the first collection, I sincerely thought that people don’t wear sizes larger than 40. But my friends came and asked: “Is this dress bigger? What about these trousers? Because of me, everything was very small! Now Tamara has taken everything into her own hands, so there will be no problems with sizes.

- Isn’t it difficult to work together? Doesn’t it bother Tamara that the brand is more associated with you than with the two of you?

It’s not difficult for us to work together; we complement each other perfectly. We agreed that Toma is a designer, and I, as a more sociable and public person, am promoting the brand. It's a smart balance! I can invent, sell, tell, but Tamara is a professional in clothing design.

- Olya, do you wear what you sew yourself?

Certainly! Our new winter collection is already hanging in the showroom, and every day when I stop by, I just want to wear something. A few days ago I posted a photo with a leather jacket on Instagram – Tamara almost killed me for it! But it was impossible to resist. The jacket is so beautiful!

- How long does it take to work on a collection? And how do you manage to do everything?

All free time. You constantly need to visit the factory, the atelier, you need to fly to China to purchase fabric, you need to work with documents: all these payments, taxes, bills. Of course, we have an accountant and a lawyer, but if we don’t take care of everything ourselves, nothing will work out. Now we are thinking about abandoning the atelier and hiring our own tailors, because we constantly need to finish, hem, alter something... Although we have mass production, and we do not sew to order.

- Where can I find the new collection?

For now only in our showroom. And soon Rebel will have its own website!

Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin The Tatler Ball debutante has always been a daddy's girl. In her fiancé, hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, with some effort one can find similarities with businessman Kirill Shubsky. Both are brunettes and are much taller than average. But Shubsky only patronized sports - he was a member of the National Olympic Committee, without giving his all to it.

But the owner of an unforgettable smile, Ovechkin, led the life of a hockey genius for many years: he rested as intensely as he worked, and fell in love for life almost every day. The early gray hair on the NHL winger's head added more than just outward respectability: his romance with tennis player Maria Kirilenko lasted three whole years (we're ready to count a personal best), and on the hockey player's Instagram, selfies with Hollywood stars are regularly interspersed with joint pictures with members of the Russian government.

Nastasya, the daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva, is twenty-one, and her heart was not always free either. I have known Ovechkin for a long time, but only in January of this year Alexander commented on the user @nastyashubskaya. The ongoing correspondence became the reason for the meeting, and already in March Ovechkin posted a photo of them together with the comment: “My girl, thank you for appearing in my life!! (I value you very much" (author's punctuation).

Alexandra Pasternak and Anton Totibadze

Sasha is the great-granddaughter of the writer Boris Pasternak and the daughter of the architect Boris Pasternak. Writes fruits, flowers and views from the window. Anton Totibadze is also an artist, a worthy successor to the family tradition of charming still lifes, with some youthful emphasis on bottles of alcohol. Anton considers his first khinkali sculpting in 2009 to be an important moment in his growing up.

The young man from a large family is already twenty-one years old, and he regularly organizes “Nourishing Days,” during which he cooks for a large company right in his studio in the Narkomfin building. Once upon a time, Anton was made timid by the age difference between him and Sasha, who is two years older. Then he made up his mind and swirled the beauty into the endless events of the life of his noisy company. “My lady,” he introduced the girl to his friends and still continues to call her that.

Inga Meladze and Nori Vergiza The young couple demonstrates impressive stability in their relationship for their age. They have been together for eight years: they met at an English school, and then entered Oxford. During all this time, however, they never moved in together. Inga, the daughter of Valery and Irina Meladze, a certified specialist in experimental psychology, is in no hurry to enrich her life experience by living together with a young financier.

He is half Moroccan, half Indian, a passionate and inventive man. For example, for nine days of vacation he circled his girlfriend around six Italian cities - the route, and even then without details, was announced to Inge only at the airport. But Nori cannot decide everything for her - she is about to receive her diploma and must choose: return to Moscow or add the name Vergiz to the already sonorous “Meladze”.

Vasilisa Kuzmna and Mikhail Malinovsky

The most beautiful girl of all that we saw with Enver Kuzmin (“Restoration N”) is his sister Vasilisa Kuzmina. The daughter of MGIMO Vice-Rector for Economics, Housekeeping and Construction Natalia Kuzmina, of course, had no chance to pass up diplomatic education. Having finished with the formalities,

Vasilisa showed character: she entered the Shchepkinsky School and now enthusiastically runs to auditions. Vasya, as her friends call her, is not like her brother, a very energetic and interested person, she needs a companion who is decent and without tricks. Enver’s friend, financier Mikhail Malinovsky (Legal Capital Partners), plays in this genre. It’s not scary to go anywhere for something like this: even to Mallorca in the summer, or to the stove in the winter.

Musya Totibadze and Grigory Dobrmgin

The Berlinale's Silver Bear for Best Actor went to actor Grigory Dobrygin at the very peak of his career. Under his pressure, Gregory changed a lot. The actor, born near Vilyuchinsk, became so handsome that Pharrell Williams personally invited him to advertise adidas SuperStar sneakers. Dobrygin grew a scraggly beard, gave up eating meat, protein and tobacco, dressed in Belgian designers and couldn’t help but start going to Strelka.

There, at the opening of the summer veranda, he met our debutante, GITIS student, singer Musya Totibadze. Falling in love with her at first sight is a sign of good form, so Gregory was no exception. Their union is so logical that many simply could not believe in it, considering this match to be fixed. The video for Musin’s song “Radio,” which Grigory directed and played in together with his colleague Alexander Pal, became an additional argument for skeptics.

In fact, creative youth have everything for real. And yes, a popular actor can celebrate his birthday at Moscow-Delhi, a three-table vegetarian Indian eatery.

Taisiya Vilkova and Pavel Tabakov Pavel, under the influence of his family, became an artist, but his ego is modest - he suffers from excessive attention to his own person. And he does it with youthful maximalism: he talks to journalists only about work and stubbornly does not comment on his personal life. The injured party in this case is Pavel’s girlfriend, eighteen-year-old actress Taya Vilkova.

No, she is not a relative of actress Ekaterina Vilkova, although she comes from an artistic family and has been acting since she was ten years old. As an aspiring star, she needs to grow her fame. Besides, she is in love, and you want to shout about such things to the whole world. Hence the hashtags #tabakusha and #joy.

The secular debut of the Tabakov-Vilkov couple took place at the premiere of Levon Gabriadze’s film “Unfriend.” Taisiya, who had already acted with Gabriadze, invited her boyfriend to the cinema. Tabakov accepted the invitation and meekly put on his suit.

Polina Smirnova and Alexander Sergeenko After parting with Lydia Metelskaya, the daughter of the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Sergeenko’s absent-minded gaze wandered in space for some time. Finally, the younger brother of couturier Ulyana Sergeenko focused on Polina’s model appearance.

In no case should one think that the honored it boy of the Northern capital paid attention to a girl whose ambitions could fall heavily on his own tender shoulders. The girl has a father, Vladislav Smirnov, the main owner of the Regional Hotel Business group of companies.

Besides her dad, she could probably count on her boyfriend’s sister in her career, but Ulyana is still friends with her brother’s former passion. It has been noticed that Metelskaya has been dating another young man for a year now, but during his visits to Moscow, Ulyanin prefers Rolls-Royce to all other types of transport.

Alesya Kafelnikova and Nikita Novikov

The seventeen-year-old daughter of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov danced at the Tatler Ball last year; now she has one hundred and fifteen thousand fans on Instagram, so there is plenty to choose from. They say that she was the first in the general company to notice the son of restaurateur Arkady Novikov and, beyond her years, subtly put all her charm to use.

The couple spends their holidays alternately with his parents in Porto Cervo and with her father in Sochi. On the Day of Love, Family and Loyalty, Nikita presented Alesya with balloons with the symbols of “United Russia”, and for no reason he showered her with flowers. It is touching that she often calls him her husband - as a joke, but the country is counting on a dynastic union with live video feed from the registry office.

Vera Panfilova and Ivan Yankovsky A year and a half ago, there was talk of breaking up the relationship between two aspiring actors. But it's not that simple. Yes, not a single woman is able to maintain composure under the gaze of Ivan, in whom the charisma of grandfather Oleg Yankovsky is enhanced by the breathtaking beauty of the wide-open eyes of mother Oksana Fandera.

But Vera Panfilova is still the daughter of rock star Konstantin Kinchev, she studied at the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Kirill Serebrennikov - she also knows how to hurt the heart. If anyone is able to compete with her in Ivan’s life, it is his mother, the main character of the young man’s life and Instagram.

Olga Kalaeva and Nikita Evlakhov

Entrepreneur Nikita Evlakhov, the son of the former vice-president of Transneft, paved the way to his happiness. Next to him is Olga Kalaeva, co-owner of The Rebel brand. Olya’s best friend and Nikita’s best friend are husband and wife, so the new couple didn’t meet yesterday.

The transition from acquaintance to friendship and from friendship to romantic relationships was long and thorough. But now Nikita, dodging cameras in her usual manner, enjoys a simple life: the two of them ride around the parks on longboards and fly to St. Petersburg for the weekend.

Our everything, Alexander Sergeevich, was convinced that it would not be found “in Russia a whole three pairs of slender female legs.” We found at least six (yes!) on our shoot alone. Half a dozen talented Moscow beauties shared their Living Vega how to care for such a property.

Designer of the brand The Rebel

“I don’t like pale skin, and I’m delighted when the skin is tanned and pearlescent, so bronzers and a natural tan help me. I do a lot of sports, and it is the tan that emphasizes all my acquired relief. I don’t go to the solarium, but I often fly to sunbathe or use a body cream with a very light self-tanner. La Mer. And coffee-based scrubs help me keep my skin toned; I love body scrub Aesop»!

“The secrets of my care are simple: morning and evening I use cream: in the bathroom there is my favorite Nubian Heritage , with goat milk, which lasts me a long time, and natural coconut oil are my favorites. I go for a massage three times a week when I'm not very busy. Sports, massage and cosmetics are all that a woman should never give up, and I show my love for my legs through several of my favorite sports: wakeboarding, running, crossfit, cycling.”

Founder of cycling studio Velobeat

“I take care of my legs most of all, so I had to open my own cycling studio to hone them to perfection. I pamper my feet with a variety of procedures, hair removal and creams. I prefer rich, dense textures, I choose according to the principle: I applied the one I liked today. In terms of care, I am an ascetic, I actively play sports, 3-4 times a week: cardio, running, squats with a barbell and lunges with weights. I prefer the track in the gym to street running: it’s safer. Because I opened it Velobeat After I became pregnant, I haven’t had the chance to ride a bike in my studio yet, but everything is ahead.”

Model and singer

“Legs are one of the most problematic and favorite parts of my body. If I eat meat and some unhealthy things, I can gain one and a half kilos overnight, and they will all end up on my feet! That's why I do hot yoga, pole dancing, stretching, and I'm into all kinds of diets. I take good care of my legs: I even photograph them every day to make sure they haven’t gotten worse. As cosmetics, I like moisturizers with the scent of cotton and lilies, or berry-floral ones based on plant extracts. Every month I spend an hour and a half at the spa and lie there, dissolving in special oils. Ten types of oils mixed together perfectly open the pores, moisturize the skin for four days, after this procedure the skin is soft like a baby’s for a long time and fragrant with aromas.”


“I pay a lot of attention to my legs. I take care of it with yoga, cardio and plenty of water. I prefer the elliptical exercise machine; in the spring and summer I run in parks and occasionally take part in races. In terms of foot care, it goes without saying that there are anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massages, which I undergo every six months. My favorite lymphatic drainage cream, without which life is not sweet - GOAM with a warming effect. When I use it, I see the effect instantly, blood flow and lymph flow improve. My faithful assistants are always at home Shea Butter and coconut oil. In terms of effect, I don’t see any difference between them, but shea butter has to be rubbed in a little longer, so in the summer – coconut, and in the winter – shea.”

Owner of Hair DryBar salons

“To take care of my feet, I do yoga, Pilates and dance 3-4 times a week. I still go to Slimbar for procedures, my favorite ones - "Endosphere"(hardware massage) and T-Shock(wrapping with bandages soaked in herbal infusions). As for creams, I prefer Italian modeling Dibi. Well, heels Gianvito Rossi never stopped anyone from making their legs even slimmer.”

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